Academics » HS Graduation Requirements

HS Graduation Requirements

Proposal to Redesign the Indiana Diploma
"New Indiana Diploma Requirements Approved with Unanimous Support"
Current Resources Regarding the Diploma Redesign
Throughout 2025, a number of implementation resources and supports will be developed, including:
  • Eligible course titles and descriptions, by category
  • Additional comprehensive work-based learning guidance, including a landscape analysis, complementing existing published guidance
  • Market-driven credential of value list
  • Interactive advising tool to support local implementation
  • Increased flexibility on who can teach high school and college courses
  • Rulemaking on new accountability model aligned to diplomas
Educators and parents are encouraged to submit questions and feedback regarding the implementation process here. This will help to identify areas where additional guidance or clarification may be needed.
Archived Resources Regarding the Diploma Redesign
Graduation Pathways | Class 2023 and Beyond (Current Graduation Requirements)
Graduation Pathways
Graduation Pathways (GP) is the only state-approved method for students to meet the graduation requirements for high school, beginning with the class of 2023.  GP not only expands the opportunities for more students to graduate successfully, but it also allows students to tailor their college/career path to fit their unique skills and interests better.  Below you will find several resources associated with GP. This page will be updated continuously as resources are added/changed and become available.
Graduation Pathways (Resources)
November 13, 2018 School Board Presentation